19 ways to become a Feminist


By Martina Puja

Being an intersectional feminist means you want equality for all. It’s all about just being non-judgemental, open-minded and open to continually learning about other ways you can be more considerate to others. Of course it gets hard at time as we live in the world where mostly everything is led by white, straight, cis, able-bodied man who are often not aware of their privilege and dismiss other groups of people. I can’t mention all the ways you can become an intersectional feminist, because I probably don’t know all of them but want to learn about them. These are some of the things you should try and try not to do and inequalities that you should fight against. 

1). Believe that Black Lives Matter

Feminism is not for white women only and should involve, encourage and empower black women too.

2). Empower all women

One of my personal struggles is to like women who hate women eg. woman who often seem to be more rude and discouraging towards women. Why would you hate your own gender? But then I remember what Chimamanda said: 

3). No slut shaming

The word “slut” is being too often used to shame women for something that people praise and encourage man to do. If it is safe and consensual go for it! 

4). Respect others' religions

Please don’t think that hijabi women can’t be feminist. One of my big role models in feminism is wearing a hijab. For example look up Mona Haydaron YouTube.

5). Do not use ableist language

Do not use words that describe someone’s struggles and illnesses.

6). Do not be transphobic

I’ve seen signs at “feminist” protests saying trans women are not women and don’t deserve to be part of the protest or trans women being excluded from women only events and spaces.

7). Be a good LGBT ally

Please don’t overtake our safe LGBT spaces. Know your place and use your straight privilege and platform.

8). Do not assume there are only two genders

Gender is a spectrum and not everyone fits in the female or the male box.

9). Call out shit.

Racist, sexists, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic jokes are not funny and people should be thought they are just encouraging the systematic discrimination.

10). Embrace men to feel emotions

Expressing emotions are considered feminine and vulnerable characteristics, why shouldn’t men be able to express them as well?

11). Political correctness doesn't hurt

Just do not say words, phrases or adopt a lifestyle that was and is used by the oppressor towards certain groups that are being discriminated against.

12). Try to serve and give back to community.

If you have any money or time to help charities do it.

13). Know your history

We need to know what happened in the history to be able to learn from the mistakes.

14). Do not fat shame

Body positivity all the way, all bodies are beautiful no matter their size.

15). Do not culturally appropriate

It’s definitely time to research examples of cultural appropriation. Educate yourself and others. 

16). Be Open to others’ political perspectives

Try and look at your political perspective through the eyes of people who are different from yourself and listen to what other communities are saying.

17). Be understanding

Do not judge someone so easily, instead try and think about what made them feel that way, maybe the circumstances and discriminations that they grew up with.

18). Do not be bothered by breastfeeding

19). Don’t forget about self-care

If you can’t love yourself how the hell you gonna love somebody else, as RuPaul says.


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